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  • Charabia

The Return of Natural Rattan Furniture

Rattan and Home Decor

The New Trend for Rattan since a couple of years now is bringing some new and existing designs alongside reviving Mid-century Classics. It’s a perfect fit with the jungle low and Scandi boho Trends seen nowadays.

Rattan in the Bedroom.

Rattan is versatile. That’s why you can use it just about anywhere in a bedroom, from the bedside table to the accent chair to the console table. Here are some different ways you can incorporate this material in any room in your house.

Rattan Furniture in your living space

Maybe you’re the type of person who has a set style you follow in your living space. Or maybe you’re the kind of person who pulls from various influences, from traditional to mid-century to eclectic. Either way, rattan can serve you. Because of its vintage roots and natural feel, it works in a wide variety of living spaces.

Rattan Furniture in Dining Area

The dining room is an interesting space to design. You want it to feel both structured and comfortable. It’s a place where you might serve an elegant, multi-course extravaganza or enjoy a cosier meal like spaghetti. Rattan works in either setting – and everywhere in between. Its carefully woven, sculpted feel is elegant but its natural fibres can help add a sense of casualness. When you want your dining room to make a striking statement without feeling stuffy, this material can deliver.

Advantages of indoor and outdoor Rattan Furniture

Versatile and hardy

There is still Rattan Furniture rattling Around today from the ’40s and ’50s. Maybe Pieces of furniture that your grandparents purchased. They can last for decades and are still in great shape today!

Outdoor Rattan furniture that you buy today can also last for Generations, it can often last longer than regular timber furniture with the appropriate upkeep.

Rattan can be used in various outdoor areas like Patios and gazebos, but it’s also great indoors.

Eco – Friendly

Rattan is an Eco-friendly material, it’s good for the Environment, rattan harvesters can clear vines and pieces which allows the forest to be intact and on top of it in a few years those same harvested vines will be ready to be harvested again.

Resilient to the outdoors

Rattan furniture can sit in the harsh sun without being ruined, it can also handle very low temperatures. Whether you want to use rattan furniture in great outdoors in the summertime or place in a sunroom during winter the material will withstand harsh temperatures.

Required Care

Rattan furniture needs care to ensure that it always stays in good conditions. You have to watch for Loosening fibres. Rattan Should be cleaned and conditioned regularly. When Left outdoors you will have to watch for sun and water damage. Every few months rattan pieces should be cleaned and oiled / varnish


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